PRODUCTS' High Performance Demonstration Project Wraps Up

Nicole Tysvaer and Matt Kulp had a dream to build net-zero energy-ready homes for the average buyer, and Symbi Homes was born. After designing two prototype homes for custom clients, the firm has now completed its first for-sale project: PRODUCTS’ SYMBI Duplex One, in Mount Rainier, Md.
“Back in 2010, I started looking to build a new home for my family in Chevy Chase, Md.,” Tysvaer says, “and I quickly became frustrated with the paucity of options for green building and the exorbitant prices associated with energy-efficient and environmentally friendly upgrades. Matt and I met in 2012 when he courageously took on the role of general contractor for this uniquely modern, high-performance house. After that project was completed, we decided to work together full-time in pursuit of making sustainable home building ubiquitous in the D.C. metro area.”
Symbi Homes’ mission is to build affordable, high-performance homes that offer details more often found in custom homes. Tysvaer, Symbi’s CEO, and Kulp, the firm’s vice president of production, teamed up with architect John Linam, vice president of design, and began building prototypes in 2015 for what would eventually become the company’s model.